Monday, March 12, 2012

Never be afraid.

My friends jokingly call me Dr. Phil. Not because I’m bald or rock a mustache. It’s because I listen to them. If they ask for advice, I give it to them straight. No bullshit. The session usually ends with a good hug and a stiff alcoholic beverage.

Recently, one of my best friends called me crying. I immediately started putting beer into my refrigerator and invited her over. She has been having a hard time with some change that has been happening in her life. As she cried over the phone and told me her story, I decided a beer and a hug wasn't going to be enough. So I read her something I wrote at the beginning of the year. It was something that helped me during a dark time in my life. As I finished reading it to her, she asked me to post it. She said it would help a lot of people. So, as requested, this one’s for you:


Let’s be real, this past year hasn’t been the easiest for any of us. There has been too much death. Death of family, friends, relationships and sometimes hope. Yeah, I’ve had those moments where I wished life came with a delete button. One push of the button and all of the pain would go away. If only it was that easy.

“Take it as a life lesson,” they say. Learn from your past and make it your future. So what in the hell have I learned this past year? A lot. I have learned change is constant. People will disappoint you. Friends will save your life. Your family will too. People will die. Relationships will end. It’s ok not to be ok. A hug can keep you going. Music can be medicine. Writing can be therapy. And in the end, everything will be ok.

A few months ago, I stood at the back of a funeral and heard something that will be etched into my mind forever. A minister said calmly, “If you could describe life in one word it would be change. Your life will change all of the time. How you will be remembered will be how dealt with change and how you turned it into your destiny. When things change in your life, it’s for a reason. Never be afraid. It’s an opportunity for something great to happen.”

Let’s all remember that and make it our theme for this year. Let’s turn 2012 into an opportunity for great things to happen to us.

Never be afraid. If you are in a bad relationship, get out. If you’re recently single, there's a reason. If you’re single and giving up on finding love, stop looking. That’s when you’ll find it. If you hate your job, find one that makes you happy. If you’re still looking for your dream job, keep looking. You’ll find it when you’re supposed to. If something is bothering you, talk about it. If you love someone, tell them. If you see sadness in the eyes of a friend, give them a good squeeze. It’s amazing what that can do. Remember, we’re all in this together.

Love you guys.


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