Thursday, March 3, 2011

Richard comes to Germany!

 3 pm: Richard and Tommy go to the carnival parade.
4 pm: Richard finds some fake Mexicans.
5 pm: Richard high fives the Easter Bunny.

6 pm: Richard does some shots with the Mayor.
8 pm: Richard is down. Jet lag is a bitch. Haha!

I had to take my sister (I call her Richard) back to the airport today. Richard was here visiting me for the last week and it has been a riot. Hanging with her is always an adventure and I have not laughed that hard in a while. I miss her. It was hard to say goodbye and I didn't think I would be this sad, but I am. Honestly, I have been in tears since I hugged and kissed her goodbye this morning.

I thought maybe if I wrote about the funny things that happened I wouldn't be so sad. So I made a list of the top 10 Richard quotes from this trip:

1. "Dude, how do you open this window?.....Oh shit, did I break it?....Sorry man." (The windows here have weird handles on them and open like a refrigerator door.)

2. "Where in the hell is the light switch? I can't find it." she slaps the bathroom walls in the dark. (The light switches are on the outside of the rooms here.)

3. "I have to pay 50 cents to use the public bathroom? Dude, can the bathroom lady break a 20? I gotta pee."

4. "They don't have toilet seat covers or paper towels in the restrooms? Well maybe that's just a California thing. They don't have toilet seat covers in Wisconsin either."

5. "Did they just ask if I wanted mayonnaise on my fries? Hell yeah! How do you say that in German?"

6. "It's legal to drink in the streets!? For real? Dang, let's pack some beer next time. Or we can tailgate at the grocery store, bump some music and call it a good time."

7. "That pretzel is bigger than my head."

8. "You guys hall ass over here." -talking about driving on the Autobahn.

9. "What is going on? I don't understand. Everyone is drunk in the street and it's only 3 pm." - at the street parade.

10. "I have no idea what he is saying so I am just going to smile and say, 'Ja'." - as she smiles and nods to the German guy who is trying to buy her a drink.

Thanks for a great time Richard. I love you man. I miss you already.


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