Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We're not assholes, I promise.

So where do I begin?
Let's start with the current events.

Two days ago, our 7 year old and I were watching the morning news. There were live videos of Americans in NY and Washington D.C. yelling and chanting. Some were holding flags. Some were holding signs. Some were singing. The first question that came from our 7 year old was, " Wow, what's happening in America? Did they win a big game?" The only way I could answer that was, "Yeah, you could say that." Then he read the headline, "Bin Laden Dead." The next question was, "Why are they happy someone died?"

I sat there for a minute in silence wondering how I was going to explain that to a 7 year old. Then I sat there for another minute wondering how I was going to explain that to my European friends without sounding like an asshole.

So here it goes. Let's start with the American culture. Americans are patriotic and emotional and we are not afraid to show it. Patriotism is promoted and encouraged in the United States. It is also socially acceptable to show how you feel. The only time the Europeans are allowed to be patriotic and emotional is if their football team makes it to the World Cup finals. Really, that is the only time you will see national flags over here.

Please remember our past. Everyone has experienced a death but not everyone had experienced tragedy. New York and Washington D.C. have experienced tragedy. Even if you were not living in one of these cities, your life as an American was affected. Our lives changed. It was a very sad and uncertain time. Everyone knew someone in NY or DC who's mother, father, brother, sister or friend died in the attacks. Everyone knew someone who was getting sent off to the Middle East to fight. We were afraid to travel and security procedures became a pain in the ass. We were afraid of a military draft and color coded security alerts. Just like a good horror movie, the scariest part was the anticipation of what was going to happen next. We were all left wondering what would really happen next?

So what did happen? Two presidents and two wars later, the promise was kept to the Americans that Bin Laden would be found. That's why we were celebrating. The promise was kept.

A part of me is happy Bin Laden is gone and I want to sing, "America, fuck yeah!" There is another part of me that sad because it brings back the painful memories of our past. And then there is a part of me that worries and wonders what will happen next?

Oh yeah...and to my European friends, we're really not assholes. I promise.

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